Thursday, June 2, 2011

This baby..........

Just when I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to feel this baby it is NONSTOP! Seriously. The only baby of mine that has ever been this active in utero was Addie Reece. Does this mean its a baby girl? Ugh! Sometimes I want to just find out the gender, and then I remember how much of a thrill it is to not know. And believe me, I need some good surprises around here.

It is getting harder and harder to tote "little" Pierce around. I am afraid for how much harder this is going to get before it gets better. My body is very, very angry at me for being pregnant again. And thats okay........I am very, very angry at it for being so fertile!!!

1 comment:

The Jungle Explorer said...

At least when it's moving you know that it's there and doing fine. :)